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Principal's office

Ping Rong High School has been located nearby the Water Supply Company for over fifty years. With the best water, we cultivate the strongest foundational persons in the Ping Tung area. For more than fifty years, we have been improving the educational equipments、beautifying the teaching environment and increasing teachers’ formation. Nowadays, our new buildings、wide classes、soft and hard facilities are well done and have a good reputation. Students, not only, can have their dreams in Ping Rong but also can grow up here. We hope students can find their own characteristics after they graduate from here and find a space that belongs to them.

The whole plans for development are:

1. To extend a best learning atmosphere, and to manage a warm and friendly campus.

2. To emphasize the fine education for human art, and to promote the learning for human cultivation and the caring the lives

3. To extend the deep plan for languages, and to manage a self learning and reading campus.

4. To carry out the scientific talented plan, and to encourage students to participate in scientific exhibitions and to join the scientific camps in universities.

5. To cultivate students’ fined professional skills, and to promote the abilities for getting licenses and finding jobs.

6. To expand the function of consulting and to carry to the developed Curricula and activities for physiology, and to manage students sound minds and bodies. We do not only want them to build up a positive value of life, but to also have a positive outlook on life.

7 To carry out the moral education, and to expand the main theme of moral education in each semester and to manage moral consulting classes to correct students deviated behaviors and notions.

8 To hold varied competitions and extra curricula, to not only develop students’ potential but also to encourage unity in spirit.

9 To renew and emphasize computerization both in soft and hard wares equipments and to research digital teaching materials for promoting teaching and learning efficiency.

10 To extend teachers’ professional evaluations and creative teaching and to promote teachers’ professional ability and growth.

11 To encourage teachers to have advanced studies and self-made materials for students’ needs to promote teaching efficiency.

12 To extend the notion and education for environmental protection、energy efficiency、carbon reduction, and to execute and to cultivate the habits of sorting and reducing disposables and carry out recycling policies.

13 To concern local literature and to motivate students to love one’s home town. To cultivate not only students’ global perspective but also to expand the activities for international short trip study.

14 To emphasize the cultivation of talented education and leadership.

15 To emphasize the education of students’ health and physical education, and to promote the passing rate of physical fitness.

16 To help disadvantaged students and to emphasize every special tutorial teaching and assistance.

17 To develop school characteristics for attracting the good students in the community to attend our school.

18 To supply the school capacity and equipments to unite with the sources the community and to build the good relationship for both sides.

We would like to offer the elegant environment and the best teachers to let the students build up their dreams here, and also to pursue the domain of professional knowledge and to conceive endowed、knowledgeable persons.